Why do I need an otter survey?

Otters and their dens are protected by UK law. They live live adjacent to and use rivers, canals, lakes, marshes, ponds and the coast. Otters can be present in watercourses in both rural and urban environments.
When suitable habitat is present on or near to a site which is likely to be impacted by the works, surveys can be required.
Contact Greenwillows Associates Ltd. by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button below or go to the main menu above.
What happens in an otter survey?
Survey Timing
Unlike many other protected native species, it is possible to survey for otters at any time of the year but spring is optimal.
Habitat Suitability Assessment
Otter surveys start with a habitat suitability assessment to help determine if otters are likely to be present. This assessment can be done any time of the year.
Otter Survey
Otter surveys start with a habitat suitability assessment to help determine if otters are likely to be present. Our experienced ecologists will focus on areas which we deem to be most suitable for otters with a search around for otters themselves or signs of their presence, such as spraint (droppings), footprints and resting places.
The write up is part of an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) report or a species specific assessment report. If otters are present, we will include mitigation and compensation measures to reduce impacts on otters.
Otter Mitigation Licence – what is involved?
Our report will detail mitigation measures, including how to avoid disturbing otter and their holts. The report will set out if you need a mitigation licence to carry out the recommendations.
You will need to obtain a mitigation licence if your work is going to impact otters and their dens that would otherwise be illegal. Our team will advise and support you in the application process. Go to the Mitigation Licence webpage for further details regarding licensing. Press the ‘Contact Us’ button to get in touch for further otter survey information.