Greenwillows Associates Ltd. are leading industry experts when it comes to great crested newts (GCN). Our Director, Steve Parnwell, is one of the few in the country that is a holder of Low Impact Class Licence (LICL). As such, our team have excellent training and experience.
Our licence portfolio includes Low Impact Class Licences (LICL), which allows greater flexibility to deliver projects that are unlikely to cause significant harm to Great Crested Newts. This approach can help avoid costly delays due to licence applications, while ensuring compliance with UK law.
Why do I need a GCN survey?

Great crested newts are fully protected by UK law. This includes their eggs, breeding sites (waterbodies), and resting places.
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What will an ecologist do when surveying for GCN?
Survey Timing
The survey season is normally limited to mid-March to June.
Habitat Suitability Index
A Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) is an assessment, with the methodology devised to evaluate the potential suitability of the waterbodies and immediate surrounding habitat for great crested newts.
Great Crested Newt Survey
We can determine the presence or likely absence of great crested newts, and their population size, using traditional survey methods. These can include capture and netting within waterbodies. All of our staff are appropriately licensed to undertaken these surveys.
eDNA and Timing
Environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys can be used, in the first instance to detect great crested newts through sampling and testing pond water. This method can be used to determine the presence or absence of newts in a pond. If they are confirmed, other methods for surveying may be required to establish the population size.
The survey results are presented within an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) report or a species specific assessment report. Consequently, if great crested newts are present, we will include appropriate mitigation and compensation recommendations to comply with UK law and reduce impacts on this species.
Great Crested Newt Mitigation Licence – What is is involved?
Great crested newts and their habitats (resting place and/or breeding site) are legally protected. You will need to obtain a licence if your work is going to impact great crested newts that would otherwise be illegal.
Our team can assist you in the application process including the preparation of licence applications and supervision of their implementation, and guidance on different licensing options. These include European Protected Species Licence (EPSL), District Licensing (DLL) and Low Impact class licences (LICL). Go to the Mitigation Licence webpage for further details on licensing options.