Why do I need a bird survey?

Wild birds are protected by law, which includes individuals, their eggs and their nests.
If you have habitat on or near your site, likely to support wintering or breeding birds, our team can advise you on the best way forward. We recommend asking at the outset of the planning process. This would be essential if your project is within the impact zone, as defined by Natural England, for certain designated sites e.g. Special Protection Areas (SPA).
Contact Greenwillows Associates Ltd. by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button below or go to the main menu above.
What happens in a bird survey?
Nesting Bird Survey
Nesting bird surveys are conducted within the breeding season (mid-February to September inclusive) to ensure that there are no active bird nests present on site prior to the commencement of works. If no active nests are found, works can proceed; if nests are found to be active, works close to the nest will be restricted until the young have fledged.
Breeding Bird Survey
Breeding bird surveys may be required when the habitat present within a development site is likely to support species, specifically those protected under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act or listed as priority species or habitat which may otherwise be of high value for birds.
A typical method involves mapping the location and bird species from around 4 visits between mid-March to mid-July to estimate the number of individual territories. Where certain key species may be present, or the site is coastal or in the uplands, specific survey techniques may be appropriate.
Wintering Bird Survey
Wintering bird surveys are required for projects that need a full assessment of the impact on birds, such as large infrastructure projects, and for habitats that support migratory species.
1-2 visits per month October to March that provides detailed information on the species, number and distribution of wintering birds in a given area. These may be required for medium and large scale projects, or for sites close to nationally important bird sites, particularly coastal sites.
Species Specific Surveys e.g. Barn Owl Survey
These bird surveys are for species listed on Schedule 1. These listed species are further legally protected and a licence may be required to survey them.
Survey timing, frequency and method will depend on the bird species. Our experts hold appropriate licences for such surveys.
Bird Mitigation
Mitigation measures will be dependent on the nature of any planned works, the species of birds present and how they are using the site.
At Greenwillows Associates Ltd. our team can advise and support you in bird mitigation. Click on the ‘Contact Us’ button below.