Why do I need a badger survey?

Badgers and their setts (burrows) are legally protected in England and Wales.
Local Planning Authorities often require badger surveys and mitigation plans prior to granting planning permission. At Greenwillows Associates Ltd. our experienced team can advise you on the potential presence or absence of badgers on or near your site.
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What happens in a badger survey?
Badger Sign Survey
Initially our ecologists concentrate on searching the site methodically for setts and badger activity, such as bedding and dung pits. Our ecologists can carry out a badger site survey any time of year but in late spring and summer the vegetation can be dense and limiting.
Sett Monitoring
When it is unclear if a badger sett is active, we may recommend a sett monitoring survey. There are several methods such as camera monitoring, which can be used any time of the year.
Badger Bait Marking
If the main sett is going to be affected by development, an additional survey maybe required to determine the territorial boundary, and this entails bait marking. Our team will determine the territorial boundary of the affected badger clan. Bait marking also aids in identifying a suitable location for constructing an artificial badger sett. This survey takes approximately three weeks to complete and is best undertaken in March and April.
The survey results are written up as part of an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) report or a species specific assessment report. Subsequently, if badgers are present, we will include mitigation and compensation measures to reduce impacts on this species.
Badger Mitigation Licence – what is involved?
Our report will detail mitigation measures, including how to avoid disturbing badgers, damaging setts or blocking setts. The report will set out if you need a mitigation licence to carry out the recommendations.
You will need to obtain a mitigation licence if your work is going to impact badgers that would otherwise be illegal. Our team can advise and support you in the application process. Go to the Mitigation Licence webpage for further details.